The Silver River Knapin has been cancelled for 2024. We will try to set up an atlatl contest in the Gainesville, Florida area. Watch for updates.
Silver River sent out the following annoucement:
,”After a lot of consideration, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the Silver River Knap-In and Prehistoric Arts festival this weekend due to the persistent rainy weather forecast on Saturday and Sunday. We know from experience this will result in a very low attendance. We rely on gate admission income to cover event expenses.
The event will not be rescheduled but we do plan to hold it as normal in 2025. We apologize for this but we wanted to notify everyone in advance so that plans could be changed.
There is another knap-in the following weekend near the Flint River in Georgia. For more information about that event please contact John Lane at
If you are from out of state and are in need of camping accommodations this weekend, please call me here at the museum so that we can discuss options with you (352) 236-5401.
Thank you all and we are sorry for any problems this causes.”
Ph. (352) 236-5401
www.SilverRiverMuseum.comThunderbird Atlatl will be at the Silver River Knapin at Silver River State Park February 17 & 18.
The Flint Ridge knapin will be taking place this weekend in Coshocton, Ohio. Please note this is a new location for this popular knapin. The new locations is the Coshocton County Fairgrounds, 724 South 7th Street, Coshocton, Ohio.
Thunderbird Atlatl will be there Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Stop by us and see us. The Ohio Atlatl Association will be on hand to offer demonstrations.
It was a busy summer for Thunderbird Atlatl as we ventured out to a few of our favorite venues and got to spend time with atlatl friends.
We continue working on shop renovations. Plans are to finish our shipping area in the next month and get ready for the holiday rush.
If you are thinking of ordering a present for the holidays, we strongly urge you to order in November as we do not know how reliable the shipping services will be in December. In 2020, the shipping services were sometimes taking up to three weeks to deliver items they promised to deliver in three to four days. Shipping improved in 2021 and seems to be better in 2022. However, all the shipping services (faced with the same increasing prices we all face) have increased prices in 2022 as they try to cover their increased costs.
We are unable to accommodate any custom or special orders during this busy season. If you have questions, please call us at: 1-800-836-4520 or email at
This weekend Thunderbird Atlatl will be home in Candor and celebrating the Fall season with the annual Candor Fall Festival. There are a variety of events to attend. Check out the Candor NY Chamber webpage for more information.
There will be atlatl contests and demonstrations behind the Thunderbird Atlatl shop at 90 Main Street, Candor, New York from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Stop in for a visit and try the atlatl. For those interested in participating in the International Standard Accuracy Contest or ISAC, there will be contests both Saturday and Sunday.
For further information contact us at or 800-836-4520.