All posts by Cheryll

Visit Silver Springs State Park with Thunderbird Atlatl February 15 to 16

Thunderbird Atlatl will be at the Silver Springs, Florida Primitive Arts Festival in Silver Springs, Florida this weekend, Saturday, February 15 and Sunday, February 16.

There will be lots of activities and opportunities to try the atlatl. International Standard Accuracy Contests are planned for both days. Saturday’s contest will be at 4 p.m. and Sunday’s contest at 9 a.m.

Stop by. For questions, send an email to

2025 Knap In Flier

Atlatl Contests, Fall Fest Fun Candor, NY October 11 to 13. Come Visit!

Come to upstate New York this weekend for the annual 2024 Fall Fest weekend Friday to Sunday, October 11, 12 and 13. 2024 Fall Fest Brochure

Thunderbird Atlatl will be hosting atlatl contests and demonstrations behind our shop at 90 Main Street, Candor, NY Please stop by and try the atlatl. Join in the competitions if you would like. We look forward to seeing you.

There are a lot of events going on throughout Candor for the weekend. The events start off with a Fall Block Party Friday evening at the Candor Town Hall pavilion. Saturday, there are events throughout the community including the popular Woodcarvers Show and Quilt Show. Area businesses like Side Hill Acres Goat Farm and Iron Kettle Farm are sponsoring lots of fun activities. Side Hill Acres will have several vendors onsite.

Below are a few photos from past Fall Festival atlatl competitions:

Where did those darts end up?
Checking where the dart hit the target
And the winners are..!

Vermont Atlatl Workshop; Annual Chimney Point Contest September 20 & 21

Thunderbird Atlatl is looking forward to visiting Chimney Point Historic site for our annual workshop and contest September 20 and 21.

The 29th Annual Northeastern Open Atlatl Championship will be held September 21 from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Chimney Point Museum in Addison, Vermont, next to the Lake Champlain Bridge. It is $12 to register; $14 the day of competition. The museum and grounds are open for $6 per adult and free for children under 15.

Participate in or watch this annual atlatl championship testing skills in accuracy and distance. The sport of using the atlatl to throw darts is based on the ancient hunting technique. Newcomers to experts welcome. Flint-knapping and other demonstrations and lessons throughout the day. Pre-registration for competitors required. Call (802) 759-2412 to register. Vermont Archaeology Month event. The workshop is on Friday, Sept. 20, beginning at noon. Call the museum to register.

Food and snacks available for purchase, while they last.

Long Distance throw at Chimney Point contest
Workshop Participants try their newly made atlatls and darts