Our catalog is available for download as a PDF.
Thunderbird Atlatl Catalog (PDF – 17mb)
Thunderbird Atlatl Catalog – Lower Quality (PDF – 1.5mb)
We also have a print version of this catalog. If you’d like us to mail one to you, please email your mailing address to: contact@thunderbirdatlatl.com
Wanted an atlatl a long time ago now I can buy one now.
We know you will enjoy the atlatl!
Catalog request. Mail to Wayne Herring, 2401-25th Street, Lubbock, Tx 79411. Ph # 806-777-1890. vwwerks@yahoo.com. My brother-in-law just opened an archery shop here and would be interested in having catalog and info on your product line. Archery Shack, 7113-Santa Fe Drive, Lubbock, Tx 79407. Bruce Beal 806412-9003.
I never saw a site that made it hard to buy from them but this one does.
We are sorry you had difficulty. You can always email us at contact@thunderbirdatlatl.com
Thank you. We have not been doing much wholesale but will start working on it more in the coming year if you brother is still interested.
Please make your website or whatever this is easier to navigate post pictures and videos with detailed information on the videos how much they cost what type of Arrow will be used for what type of hunting how long the arrows are how much they cost, how do you make the arrows do a video on how do you make the arrows do a video on how you make the atlatl and I would certainly be more inspired and more patient in trying to find out how to purchase one of these which you don’t really offer much in the line of making that easy to know how to purchase one
I found your website easy to navigate with prices and different combinations available.
Thank you. It is always a work in progress
Really like your website and youtube videos. I noticed that the Otsiningo atlatl is currently out of stock. Is this atlatl ever available in kit form?
I would like to know what the shipping cost is before checking out or is it always $20.00. if I just wanted some feathers and points or small items is it still 20 Thank you Bob