Thunderbird Atlatl is working on two new instructional videos which we will post to You Tube in the next week or so. We will link to it from this website so you can find it easily.
Bob Berg of Thunderbird Atlatl will show how to fletch a dart in one video. In the second video, Bob will describe how to make a primitive looking dart including hafting a stone point.
There will be a Living History Weekend June 6, 7 & 8 in Cuba, NY. This will be an atlatl, flintknapping & vendors weekend during the annual Dairy Days Festival in Cuba, New York.
There is a large area on site for RV’s & tent camping – all amenities. Featured will beISACs, IASACs, Locals, NYAA Team Atlatl League, NYAA Individual State and Hunters Animal Round Qualifiers. This is an NYAA sponsored & insured event. The event is hosted by the Genesee Valley Atlatl Assoc. & the Genesee Valley Flintknappers. For further information contact:
Atlatls – Douglas Basset at Flintknappers and vendors – John Cappellini at –
There will be atlatl competitions on June 14 at the North Country Sportsman Club – Williston, Vermont from 11 am – 3 pm Featured will be ISAC, IASAC, locals, Team Atlatl and Individual Qualifiers. Fully insured and sponsored by NYAA, Inc.Check for an internet brochure with map and directions.
Contact Greg Maurer (802)877-2110.
For those in the western part of the country, there is an event in Austin, Texas on June 8: Duncan Park, Austin, Texas ISAC Sunday 9 AM Contact
Not quite as far west, there is an event at the Henschels Artifact Museum, Wisconsin
Directions from Milwaukee, Hwy 43n to Green Bay, Hwy 57n Left exit #97 towards Plymouth, Left on cty.rd. J. Right on Hwy. 67, Left onto cty.rd.A. Straight onto cty.rd J, Left on Sexton Rd, Left on Holstein Rd. Follow road to parking area which will be along the left side of the road. Contact Lenny Riemersma, phone number (920)528-7454.