All posts by Cheryll

Stone Tool Technology Show!

The popular annual Stone Tool Technology Show will take place this weekend (August 23 & 24) with atlatl contests, flintknapping, re-enactors and much more at Letchworth State Park in western New York State.

The event takes place on the north end of the park (Mt. Morris, NY entrance). Enter the park at the north entrance and travel a few miles in to the swimming pool area where you will find the show. Tent or camper camping is available on site for a minimal amount. There are shower facilities at the pool site. For further information you may contact us at 1-800-836-4520 or our cell at 607-743-4379.

The following weekend will be the annual knap-in and atlatl contests at Flint Ridge State Park in Brownsville, Ohio. That event will take place Labor Day weekend August 29, 30 and September 1.

Heading to the Abbe Museum, Bar Harbor, Maine

We are back from the Pennsic Wars and are happy to report we had two great battles with epic strategies!
We will be at the Abbe Museum in Bar Harbor on Friday and Saturday this week. Here’s the information from the Abbe’s Website:
August 15
Fantastic Fridays – Atlatl Throwing Demonstration and Contest
Time: 1-3 PM
Price: Free
Location: Sieur de Monts Spring – Acadia National Park
Description: Let Bob and Cheryll Berg of Thunderbird Atlatl show you how to throw an atlatl (a spear using a launching stick). An atlatl can fly farther than a javelin…if you know what you are doing! Fun for all ages

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Atlatl Spear & Darts Workshop
10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Think you have a good aim? Come to the Abbe Museum and test your skills, and leave with your own atlatl and darts! In this workshop, participants will make an atlatl, a spear that pre-dates the bow and arrow. The atlatl was used to extend the length of the throwers arm, providing greater distance and force to those who know how to use it. Participants will also make three darts and learn throwing techniques for this unique tool. All ages are welcome, and the atlatl and darts are easy to transport home on any flight or car ride! Thunderbird Atlatl will be happy to mail your set home for you if you want to avoid transporting it yourself.
Cost: $45 for members, $55 for non-members

To register for the workshop, contact Raney Bench at the Abbe Museum at 207/ 288.3519 or write ABBE MUSEUM, PO BOX 286, BAR HARBOR, MAINE 04609 Their email address is:

August is a busy month for us and we will return from Maine, unpack, pack up again and head to the Stonetool Technology Show at Letchworth State Park on the Mt. Morris, NY side. If you are in the area, this is a show you shouldn’t miss. There will be flintknappers, crafters, reenactors and, of course, atlatlists, from around the country. You can camp on site for only a few dollars per night. For further information, you can call us at 1-800-836-4520.

From Wednesday through Sunday, the best way to reach us is through our cell phone: 607-743-4379. Leave a message and we will get back to you. Or leave a message at our 800 number, 1-800-836-4520 and we will try to pick up those messages each evening.

We will also be checking our email as we travel.

Aztec Atlatl Battle

We are at the Pennsic War this week (through August 9). We will be within phone and computer reach and are able to handle orders while at Pennsic. Check out if you want to know more about this annual event.

One of the things we enjoy most about Pennsic is the opportunity to have three to four Aztec Atlatl Battles during the time we are at Pennsic. For those who have not had an opportunity to play Aztec Atlatl Battle, it is a lot of fun and a great game for all abilities of atlatlists.

Here are some of the guidelines for the game: (Please note the rules can be adapted to your own situation and are certainly not set in stone).

Aztec Atlatl Battle was developed in 2000 by Bob Berg of Thunderbird Atlatl. The first year attempts at this game turned out to be great fun.

Atlatlists are welcome to try this game at any events. Please let us know what you think of the game and any variations you’ve adapted for your atlatl meets!

Aztec Atlatl Battle is a field game that pits two equal sized teams of atlatlists against each other. Each team will have one person designated “Chief” and one person designated “Shaman”. All other players are designated “warriors”.

The 12 yard by 80 yard playing field represents a section of causeway that once linked the Aztec city of Tenochchitlan with the mainland. Each atlatlist must have an atlatl and three darts. In addition each contestant must be represented by a target.

The field of play is cordoned off with rope or tape in a rectangle 12 yards by 80 yards inside a safety zone 50 yards by 120 yards. The playing field is divided into eight 10 yard sections called zones.

The play occurs in rounds. In each round each person shoots the amount of darts allotted to him or her from directly behind his or her respective target.

Each person starts with 3 darts. Regardless of the order of shooting everyone gets to shoot all of his allotted darts for that round. For safety’s sake only one shooter is allowed on the field at a time.The Chief or safety officers may allow more than one person to shoot to speed up the play based on position and safety considerations. The order of shooting is of no importance and may be determined by the Judge.

After everyone has shot, the round is over and the “dead” are removed from the field. The wounded give up one or two of their darts depending on where their target was hit.

The Shamen reside in their respective end zones. Shaman are not allowed to move.

Chiefs are allowed to move to any zone except their opponents’ end zone at the end of a round. No one may move beyond or into a zone occupied by a “live” opponent. In other words a person may not move past the “war front”. However after a round where all opposing soldiers are killed in a particular zone the zone may be occupied by any one who is in position, when the round is over.

Warriors may be in any zone except the end zones, however they must move only one zone at a time between rounds.

At the beginning of the game the Chief and Shaman start in the end zone. Warriors start in a zone in front of the shaman to be determined by the respective chiefs.

It is the duty of the Chief to direct his team, be he dead or alive. At the beginning of the game the chief determines the placement of his team members’ targets. A very important part of the game is the strategy and game plan.

A field judge shall be chosen who is familiar with the rules of the game and general safety rules of the sport. All decisions of the Judge are final as to scoring.

This game is work in progress. The rules may need to be changed as necessary to assure the safety first of all and the fairness of play.

This game is authored by Robert S. Berg of Thunderbird Atlatl. Copyright 2000.

Get together a few teams and enjoy Aztec Atlatl Battle!

On the Road Again!

The Thunderbird Atlatl staff will be busy in the next few weeks traveling to a number of shows. We look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones!

This weekend we will be close to home at the Waterman Conservation Center’s Walk Thru Time program at Hiawatha Island in Owego, NY. The event features a Pow Wow and a variety of activities. If you are in the Binghamton, Elmira or Ithaca, NY area, stop by! For further details give us a call at 1-800-836-4520. The event takes place Saturday and Sunday, July 19 and 20.

By the end of the month, we will be back at the Pennsic War! We hope to see a lot of participants for this year’s Aztec Atlatl Battles!

Here are some events for the rest of the month in the Atlatl World. Check out Tom Mill’s workshop for those on the western coast!

July 18-20

Flint Ridge, Ohio
Ohio Atlatl Association

July 19-20

Smoky Hollow Rendezvous, Wisconsin
Directions to get to our grounds: from Milwaukee, take Hwy.43n to Hwy.57n to Hwy.28 (the town of Waldo) turn left on Hwy.28, continue thru the town of Cascade to cty.F Turn right on cty.F to Highview Rd.(approximately one mile). Turn right on Highview to Parnell Rd. Turn left on Parnell Rd. The club grounds are on the right hand side 1/2 mile from Highview Rd.
Contact Lenny Riemersma, phone number (920)528-7454.

July 20

Pasadena, California
In conjunction with a monthly Bowmaking/Flintknapping/Atlatl Gathering
ISAC Contest (only)
Atlatl & Dart making and throwing clinics
Check the atlatl dicussion forums at for further information,
or contact Tom Mills at (626) 794-9158 or

July 25

Echoes In Time
Willamette Mission State Park, Salem, Oregon
ISAC and novelty throw
Contact Bob Kitch at (509) 493-1971 or (541) 806-1971

July 26

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Gottfried Arboretum, University of Wisconsin – Fond du Lac
Contact : Leonard Riemersma (920)528-7454 ,

July 31-August 3

Green Flats Atlatl Rattle, Turner’s Casa de Fumo, Hancock, New York
ISAC, IASAC, Local all four days.
Team Atlatl and Individual Qualifiers, NYAA, Inc. insured event.
Contact Gary at (570) 437-3698 or

July Atlatl Events!

Happy July 4th! There are a number of atlatl events planned in July around the United States. If you happen to be in one of these areas, check them out. These events are on the World Atlatl Association event page – please check with the contacts before going to the programs in the event there has been a change.

July 4

Duncan Park, Austin, Texas
ISAC Friday 9 AM

July 4-5

Hueston Woods State Park, Ohio
Ohio Atlatl Association

July 4-6

10th Annual Foothill-Mountain Atlatl and Bow Open. This is the only remaining annual atlatl competition in Wyoming. It is a three-day camping event in a beautiful location that offers a challenging competition and big fun for all ages.
Open to all, equipment and instruction cheerfully provided. Sponsored by the Wyoming Atlatl and Social Club.
Contact: Gary/Regina Dodson (307-632-0766)
or Russell Richard (307-772-0550) for location and time.

July 11-13

The R.A.T. (renegade atlatl tourney)
West Almond Vigil West Almond, New York
ISACs, Locals, NYAA Team Atlatl League, NYAA Individual State Qualifiers,
NYAA Distance Throw Qualifiers, NYAA Hunter’s Animal Round Qualifiers,
NYAA European Round Qualifiers (2008 exhibition contest)
NYAA sponsored and insured
Bill Brundage 585 593-4216 or 585 610-9118

July 12

Atlatl demonstrations, fun throws, and ISAC
at the Center for Archaeology’s Archeology Day,
Kampsville, Illinois
Contact Ron Mertz, /314-628-9376
or Gregory Vogel, CAA’s Director of Research,

July 18-20

Flint Ridge, Ohio
Ohio Atlatl Association

July 19-20

Smoky Hollow Rendezvous, Wisconsin
Directions to get to our grounds: from Milwaukee, take Hwy.43n to Hwy.57n to Hwy.28 (the town of Waldo) turn left on Hwy.28, continue thru the town of Cascade to cty.F Turn right on cty.F to Highview Rd.(approximately one mile). Turn right on Highview to Parnell Rd. Turn left on Parnell Rd. The club grounds are on the right hand side 1/2 mile from Highview Rd.
Contact Lenny Riemersma, phone number (920)528-7454.

July 20

Pasadena, California
In conjunction with a monthly Bowmaking/Flintknapping/Atlatl Gathering
ISAC Contest (only)
Atlatl & Dart making and throwing clinics
Check the atlatl dicussion forums at for further information,
or contact Tom Mills at (626) 794-9158 or

July 25

Echoes In Time
Willamette Mission State Park, Salem, Oregon
ISAC and novelty throw
Contact Bob Kitch at (509) 493-1971 or (541) 806-1971

July 26

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Gottfried Arboretum, University of Wisconsin – Fond du Lac
Contact : Leonard Riemersma (920)528-7454 ,

July 31-August 3

Green Flats Atlatl Rattle, Turner’s Casa de Fumo, Hancock, New York
ISAC, IASAC, Local all four days.
Team Atlatl and Individual Qualifiers, NYAA, Inc. insured event.
Contact Gary at (570) 437-3698 or