Thunderbird Atlatl will be displaying and demonstrating atlatls on Saturday at Sportsman’s Day in Spencer, NY. The event is hosted by the Spencer-Van Etten Sportsman’s Club from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Spencer Van Etten High School on Darts Crossroad in Spencer.
There will be a variety of displays and demonstrations throughout the day. Some of the day’s activities are listed below:
*the Roosevelt Lucky Buck (the largest buck ever taken in NY) will be the guest of honor.
*Cornell’s “Birds of Prey” will be swooping in from 1 till 2PM in the
*Cornell’s Director of Deer Research Jay Boulanger PHD, along with
Director of Operations at Arnot Forest Gary Goff will be on hand at the
Cornell booth and from 2:30 till 3:30 in the auditorium to talk about
how their “Earn a Buck” program gives hunters access to hundreds of
acres to hunt.
*Matt Swayze, Forester for the D.E.C. will be speaking in the auditorium
about forestry services for private individuals offered through his office
and the impact the Emerald Ash Bore is having on our forests from
noon till 1PM.
*Other displays/demonstrations: ATV’s by Rider Sport Honda, Wildlife Carvings by Jean, Wildlife Photography by Lori Lesh, nationally know wildlife artist Ron Kleiber, hunting advisor of Mountain Hollow Calls and Mossy Oak Camo, Jeff Sayre, Scoring antlers for anyone, Pope and Young and NY State Big Buck Club Scorers, Merritt Compton and John Heuther, fly fishingaficionado Donnie Lesh of internationally known, “Lesh Rods”, willbe demonstrating different techniques in the gym, Spencer Van Etten’s Archery In Schools Instructor Mrs. Zech will be running the archery range in the gym along with Bow Jen Archery, Four Seasons Archery, Arnot
Archery, and Tri County Bowhunters, Master Hunter Safety Instructor Gary Argetsinger will be taking signups for 2013 hunter safety courses, Bryans Meats will have samples of what they can do with your venison, Joe Sears, Colorado Elk Guide, will be on hand to talk about planning the hunt of a lifetime, Hunting Sika deer in Maryland and turkeys in Nebraska with Tom and Austin Sharpe, Bass Pro hunting advisors Tony and Trish D’Agostino, “Women that fill their own tags!”, “Dogs That Hunt”: Kenny Decker, water fowler, John Wild, Deer Recovery and Shed Hunting and “Stan” of The Cayuga Beagle Club, hunting rabbits with
Thunderbird Atlatl will be at the Sportsman’s Show in Spencer this weekend. Below some of Thunderbird Atlatls traditional atlatls and darts.