Bob Berg of Thunderbird Atlatl will offer our annual Atlatl Workshop at the Chimney Point Historic Site. September 18 from noon to 5 p.m. The program is hosted by the Vermont State Historic site. The Chimney Point State Historic Site borders Lake Champlain at 7305 Vt Route 125, West Addison, Vermont.
Bob will teach traditional and modern techniques of atlatl and dart construction, flint knapping, hafting stone points, and cordage making. Enjoy atlatl lore and coaching on the use of your new atlatl. Bob’s been here each of the 20 years of this event! $65 includes instruction and materials. Pre-registration required. Call 802-759-2412 to register. After making your own atlatl and darts, consider competing in the annual atlatl competition the next day!
20th Annual Northeast Open Atlatl Championship
Participate in or watch this annual championship. The sport of atlatl throwing is based on the ancient hunting technique of using the atlatl or spear thrower. Demonstrations and workshops on flint knapping, Woodland pottery, and other crafts and skills. Vermont Archaeology Month program. Saturday, September 19
The museum opens at 9:30 a.m. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. there will be ancient craft demonstartions on the museum lawn and porch. Bob and Cheryll Berg, hafting points and atlatl-making; Charlie Paquin, Woodland pottery (hands-on!), and Barry Keegan, flint-knapping.
The atlatl competitions start at 11 a.m. with the International Standard Accuracy Competition. The schedule is as follows:
10:30 – 12:30 Atlatl Championship registration
10:30 – 11:00 ISAC Practice Time
11:00 International Standard Accuracy Competition
11:00-12:00 Master coaching: Try the atlatl with expert guidance.
Look for signs in competition area.
11:30 – 12:30 Warm-up and Practice for Open Championship
11:30 Food and snacks on & near Museum porch while it lasts.
12:30 Celebratory Flight: Join the mass spear throw to commemorate our 2Oth year!
Bob Berg, Introduction to the Atlatl at Target Zone
Open Championship events begin. Accuracy & Distance for Men, Women, Girls, and Boys
Approx. 3:00 Award ceremony on Museum front lawn
Grand Champion Shoot-Out between top finishers & Grand Championship Award ceremony
After awards 20th Anniversary Celebration: Enjoy cake & ice cream!
History Mystery Scavenger Hunt prizes awarded
5:30 Museum closes
Sunday, September 20
9:30 Museum Opens
10:00 International Standard Accuracy Competition