Memorial Day Weekend Atlatl Events Marshall Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Use your atlatl or bow at the Marshall, Michigan Primitive Archery Rendezvous this weekend. This is a great event with a great 3D target round. Unfortunately, Thunderbird Atlatl has had to cancel our plans to be at this event due to a family situation but atlatlists should still plan on attending the event and enjoying the various activities. For questions contact Thunderbird Atlatl at 800-836-4520.
Learn to Catch a Fish Family Picnic/Red, White and Blue Balloon Rally Letchworth State Park — Castile, New York ISAC (Friday 4pm – Sunday 4pm), New York Atlatl Association, Inc. events (Team, Individual, Hunter and European) except during picnic time noted below. NYAA fully insured event. “Learn to Catch a Fish Family Picnic” 11am – 4p.m. on Saturday with no fishing license required at a stocked troup pond, free picnic and door prizes. “Spear-fishing” Carp Target Derby and a variety of learning stations. “Red, White and Blue Balloon Rally” with massed balloon flights at 6:30 pm Friday through Monday, weather permitting. Nearby camping, cabins and lodging available. For information contact Douglas Bassett at 585-493-3625 or
Primitive Pursuits Day Primitive Pursuits Day in Ithaca, NY, Saturday, May 23, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Ithaca, NY
We are back to the Northeast after a couple of weeks in Florida. It was a nice break from the frigid temperatures in upstate New York but even the Floridians were battling colder temperatures.
While we were gone, National Geo Wild posted a video of Bob Berg of Thunderbird Atlatl showing Dr. Pol of The Incredible Dr. Pol reality show how to use an atlatl. Bob and Cheryll Berg’s son, Peter, works as a field producer at the show and we stopped by to see him in July 2013.
It’s cold in upstate New York but you can warm up at the indoor Spencer-VE Sportsman Club Day in Spencer, NY on Saturday, February 7, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Thunderbird Atlatl will be one of the many exhibitors. The school is providing an indoor range if you want to try the atlatl indoors away from the minus degree weather outside. Bob Berg will also be offering informational sessions on flintknapping and building atlatls and darts next to our exhibit. We will be working next to the Primitive Pursuits program from Tompkins County Cornell Extension.
Bob Berg fletches a dart at a workshop. Our workshops have proven very popular. We will be offering free workshops tomorrow, Feb. 7, in Spencer, NY with Primitive Pursuits. We also plan several workshops in Florida. See the information below. If you would like to inquire about a workshop, give us a call or contact us by email.
Looking to get away from the winter weather, Thunderbird Atlatl will be at two Florida events in February. Bob Berg will be offering workshops at both events. You can sign up for the workshops by contacting us at our 800 number – 800-836-4520 or email us at Information about the events and workshops are below:
The annual SILVER RIVER KNAP-IN AND STONE AGE ARTS FESTIVAL will be held at the Silver Springs State Park on February 20th, 21st, and 22nd (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). Expert flint knappers, archaeologists, potters, hide tanners, bow makers and other specialists in prehistoric skills will gather from across the eastern U.S. to demonstrate and sell their arts. Vendors will offer reproduction stone tools, raw stone, flint knapping tools, unique crafts, food and more.
There will be archery, tomahawk and atlatl dart throwing demonstrations each day. A flint knapping competition and on-going prehistoric skills demonstrations will also take place. Besides the knap-in, visitors can explore the Silver River Museum, hike or bike the trails of the state park, take a tram ride through the woods, or canoe and kayak on the pristine Silver River. Please note: Friday is a student day from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The program is open on Saturday and Sunday to the public from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
International Standard Accuracy Competitions will be held at 4 p.m., Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the atlatl range. All are welcome.
Thunderbird Atlatl will hold two workshops on Thursday, February 19, at the museum. Information is below:
Event Title: Atlatl (Spear Throwing) Morning Workshop.
Event Date: Thursday, February 19, 2015
Presented by: Bob Berg of Thunderbird Atlatls
Details: Atlatl Workshops at the Silver River Museum Morning Workshop: Make a modern atlatl and three darts from Thunderbird Atlatl kits with Atlatl Expert Bob Berg from 9 a.m. to noon on Thursday, February 19, at the Silver River Museum in Ocala, Florida. The goal of this workshop is for each participant to finish an atlatl and 3 darts. Participants will learn how to straighten and fletch darts. This is a great way to get into the sport. Students may choose from four different Thunderbird Atlatl Kit styles. Other benefits of taking Bob’s workshop are the background information he passes along, as well as teaching you how to use atlatls. It is a great way to have all your questions about the atlatl answered. The workshop fee is $65 per participant and is limited to 10 participants. For further information and to register contact: Thunderbird Atlatl at 800-836-4520 or
Event Title: Atlatl (Spear Throwing) Afternoon Workshop
Event Date: Thursday, February 19, 2015
Presented by: Bob Berg of Thunderbird Atlatls
Details: Atlatl Workshops at the Silver River Museum Afternoon Workshop: Make a primitive atlatl and three stone pointed darts from natural materials. Atlatl expert Bob Berg will lead participants in making their own atlatls and darts from a variety of locally available materials. Bob will bring bamboo dart blanks. The goal of this workshop is for participants to take home a traditional or primitive atlatl and three stone pointed darts. They will learn how to use stone tools in making the atlatls and darts, natural fiber cordage, fletching, the use of hafting resins and more. Materials will be provided. The workshop will take place from 1 to 5 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 20, at the Silver River Museum in Ocala, Florida. The workshop fee is $65 per participant. (Take both workshops for $110). The workshop is limited to 10 participants. For further information and to register contact: Thunderbird Atlatl at 800-836-4520 or
Can’t make it to the Silver River program or just want to continue enjoying the atlatl/flintknapping experience, then come to the The Stone Age and Primitive Arts Festival at Ochlockonee River State Park, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, February 27, 28 and March 1, 2015 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day.
This is the 8th Annual Stone Age and Primitive Arts Festival. Come and enjoy bow, atlatl and flintknapping competitions, demonstrations and how-to workshops. New at this year’s festival is a dugout canoe display and hands-on demonstration. There will be a lot to do, see and participate in at this year’s festival. Free with regular park admission.More Information:Park Services Specialist Jason Vickery, 850-962-2771, Located in the Northwest region at: Ochlockonee River State Park, 429 State Park Road, Sopchoppy, FL 32358
Bob Berg of Thunderbird Atlatl will be offering workshops on Thursday, Feb. 25, prior to the event.
Okay atlatlists – the challenge is to watch the television game show “Jeopardy” on Friday, May 16, whenever it is scheduled in your local viewing area.
Thunderbird Atlatl sent a video clue to Jeopardy a few months ago and we are told it was used in the show that will appear on May 16. Your challenge is to guess the right question!
We came across this definition of atlatl in an online dictionary the other day.
The dictionary lists the origin of the word atlatl from the Nahuatl language but then says its first know use was 1871. We’re not quite sure where the 1871 date comes from.
However one neat thing is that the dictionary does offer an audio pronunciation.