Thunderbird Atlatl visits Wilderness Learning Center Memorial Day Weekend

We are taking a trip north this weekend to the Wilderness Learning Center, operated by Marty Simon, in Chateaugay, NY. We will be arriving at the center sometime on Friday, May 27.
The free rendezvous is open to all. Known as the PEACE Rendezvous (People Enjoying Another “Campraderie” Experience), the program takes place from May 27 to 30. The events are open to the public and are family friendly events. Wilderness Learning Center’s address is 435 Sandy Knoll Road, Chateaugay, NY 12920. Check out their web page or give them a call at 518-497-3179 between 6 a.m. & 9 p.m.
The center is located in upstate New York, right on the Canadian border. It is approximately 55 miles southwest of Montreal, Canada, and 350 miles north of New York City. Nearby cities are Montreal, Canada; Burlington, Vt. or Plattsburgh, NY.
Thunderbird Atlatl will be offering workshops and will have atlatls and equipment available for anyone interested. For more details about the weekend contact the center.

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