Atlatls and atlatl enthusiasts are in the news this week. There have been numerous articles published about atlatl hunting in Missouri! The news is getting a lot of people interested in Atlatls!
Jenn Lawson, Vergennes, Vt. Middle School Teacher, was named Vermont Teacher of the Year! One of the many fantastic things Jenn does with her students is teach them about atlatls! A few weeks ago in Vermont, we were able to work with Jenn and her students. They all were very excited about using and learning about the atlatl. A number of them entered the Vermont contest and did very well! Congratulations to Jenn Lawson.
We will be in Connecticut this weekend at New England Atlatl Day. Stop by and visit if you are in the area. The event takes place at Hammonasset Beach State Park, Madison, Connecticut and is
co-Sponsored by the Friends of Hammonasset and the Ct State Museum Of Natural History/Ct Archaeology Center. There will be ISACs, a woolly Mammoth Hunt and Ancient Technologies Demonstrations and exhibits. Sat. 10-4 and Sunday,10- 1. For further information contact: Gary Nolf 860-575-4263