June continues to be a hectic month at Thunderbird Atlatl! Between family graduations, the shop is busy producing more atlatls and darts to meet the ever increasing demand. Check out the upcoming atlatl events.
June 19-21
Annual Meadowcroft Atlatl Event, Avella, Pennsylvania
Local contests and ISACs all 3 days.
Friday starts after 12 noon, 10:00 to 5:00 Sat, 10:00 to 3:30 Sunday.
Contact Margie theatlatl@1st.net or (740) 264-1755
June 21
Texas Atlatl Tournament
Hosted by the Austin Archery Club at Emma Long Park in Austin, Texas
Thirty 3-D targets in the Hill Country, contest fee = $12. 8:30 AM – 1 PM
More information available on-line: http://www.austinarcheryclub.com
June 21
Pasadena, California
In conjunction with a monthly Bowmaking/Flintknapping/Atlatl Gathering
ISAC Contest (only) & ; Atlatl & Dart making and throwing clinics
Check the atlatl discussion forums at www.PaleoPlanet.net for further information or contact Tom Mills at (626) 794-9158 or paleoaleo@yahoo.com
June 25-28
Terry Keefer Memorial Atlatl Tournament, Bald Eagle, Pennsylvania
ISACs, IASAC, hunters Animal Round. Camping on site
A New York Atlatl Association, Inc. sponsored and insured event.
For information contact Tim Jackson PaTeePee@aol.com (814-684-0402)
or Gary Beers 814-687-4372
June 26-27
Kicking Bear at Deerasic Park, Cambridge, Ohio
OAA will provide instruction for 300 kids from 4:00 pm Friday through 4:00 pm Saturday. ISAC, IASAC, and Ohio Locals.
Contact Ray Strischek, ohioatlatl@hotmail.com for more information.