Tag Archives: DIY

New tutorial videos for our Atlatl Kits

We have recently added new tutorial videos where Bob Berg explains how to put together our most popular atlatl kits: the Catatonk, Catatonk Hunter, Kanakadea and Nanticoke. (All of our kits are available to purchase in the Shop.)

Now you can follow along step-by-step as Bob shows you how to put your atlatl kit together.

You can find the videos (with accompanying text instructions) under the “Kit Tutorials” heading to the left. They’re also right here:


Kanakadea Atlatl Kit


Nanticoke Atlatl Kit


Catatonk Atlatl Kit & Catatonk Hunter Atlatl Kit

How to set up a One Tarp Tent (with a door and a floor)

And now for something completely different!

Bob Berg demonstrates how to make a simple tent (with a door and a floor) with just one tarp, one piece of rope, one pole, and four stakes. Total cost: About $15. Total time: 5-10 minutes. Save time and money the next time you go camping!

Materials needed:
-Tarp (12’x16′)
-10′ Rope
-8′ Pole
-4+ Stakes
-Hammer or a rock to pound in the stakes

*NOTE: The tarp’s dimensions must be a ratio of 4:3. If you would like to build a bigger or smaller tent, just scale all the dimensions appropriately. (eg: 15′ x 20′ tarp, with a 10′ pole and a 12-15′ rope).*