Candor, NY is having a Daffodil Festival Saturday, April 29, rain or shine! Come to Candor and enjoy.
Thunderbird Atlatl will hold atlatl contests, including ISACs, at 90 Main Street, Candor, New York (behind our shop). We should be starting around 1 p.m., depending on weather. Call 607-659-3854 or 607-222-9873 to check!
Looking forward to 2023, the Thunderbird Atlatl staff is setting up our calendar and planning trips for the year! We already were able to travel to Ohio earlier this month for a project with Kent State University. We had a great time with Kent State students and staff with a research project involving stone and copper projectile hafted on atlatl darts.Stone Points on darts for testingCopper Points on darts for testing We appreciated the help of students using atlatls to cast many darts for research on what turned out to be a rather rainy day.
We will post links to the research results as papers and results are published. Student volunteer casts dart while another volunteer records data under an umbrellaBob Berg casting atlatl dart with velocity being measured in background.
This weekend Thunderbird Atlatl will be home in Candor and celebrating the Fall season with the annual Candor Fall Festival. There are a variety of events to attend. Check out the Candor NY Chamber webpage for more information.
There will be atlatl contests and demonstrations behind the Thunderbird Atlatl shop at 90 Main Street, Candor, New York from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Stop in for a visit and try the atlatl. For those interested in participating in the International Standard Accuracy Contest or ISAC, there will be contests both Saturday and Sunday.
For further information contact us at or 800-836-4520.
Come out and join Thunderbird Atlatl at the 32nd annual Stone Tool Craftsman show at Letchworth State Park near Mt. Morris, NY August 26 to August 28.
The event will feature Dr. Michael Stafford. His ability to recreate various types of Scandinavian stone daggers is most impressive. He is a master flintknapper of the highest order. Mike will be giving a presentation on Saturday evening at 7 PM that you won’t want to miss!
There will be many vendors and lots of atlatl events! We look forward to seeing you there.
Atlatlists at a previous Stone Tool Show. Come join us!
Labor Day weekend, Thunderbird Atlatl will be at Flint Ridge State Park in Brownsville, Ohio.
In this time of social distancing, small groups and less travel, atlatls do offer a wonderful opportunity to get outdoors without a lot of people.
While many of the atlatl meets have been cancelled this year at state parks or public places, a few have and continue to be held in backyards or private locations. Check out the World Atlatl Association Event Page to see the status of events. The Ohio Atlatl Association is still keeping its dates but has switched to private locations as public places grapple with summer of 2020 events.
Events are being held with awareness of small groups, social distancing and masks. If you are unable to get to a group, spend some time by yourself or with a family member practicing your skills. The WAA will try to keep everyone updated about events. Stay safe as our country wrestles with this pandemic.
No doubt- atlatls offer a great sport for social distancing and small groups. Stay safe and well. Check out this depiction from the Aztec Codex Nuttal. Looks like these folks are observing social distancing.