We will be at Letchworth State Park this weekend for the annual Stonetool Technology Show on the Mt. Morris side of the park. We are looking forward to a great weekend and seeing a lot of atlatlists there for one of the most popular shows in the U.S. Flintknappers and atlatlists from across the country come to Letchworth each year.
We are looking into a new format for our shopping cart to make it easier to use. Bear with us as we figure out the system! It might take us a little time as we do deal in primitive technology products! Until then, please continue to use the current shopping cart or give us a call at 800-836-4520 or our cell phone at 607-743-4379 and we will make sure your order gets out! You can also trying emailing us at contact@thunderbirdatlatl.com and tell us what you are interested in ordering and we can help you out.
When you place an order on the current system, you don’t always see immediate feedback. You need to go to the bottom of the page and hit the “check cart” button to see what is being added to your cart. When you are ready to order, hit the “check out” button and then fill out the information sheet. Once you have entered all your information, hit the “send order” button and there will be a little note saying “thank you”. Hit “okay” and the order should send, followed by a little message that we will get back to you within 72 hours with a final price with shipping. If we aren’t at a show, we usually send a return message fairly quickly. If you don’t hear from us, please call the above number 800-836-4520 or email to check and we will make sure your order has been processed! The system is a little archaic and we are working on it. If you don’t hear from us within 72 hours, please do call either of the numbers above. We are here and shipping orders and trying to make this modern technology work with our primitive technology goods!
See you at Letchworth or talk to you on the phone or internet. The Thunderbird Atlatl staff!