The Thunderbird Atlatl crew will be at the annual Flint Ridge KnapIn at the Flint Ridge Memorial Park in Brownsville, Ohio, this weekend. The event takes place Friday, Saturday and Sunday, September 4, 5 and 6. The event is hosted by the Flint Ridge Lithic Society.
For information on atlatl events at Flint Ridge, contact Steve Barnett 740-698-6553 or Ray Strischek 740-593-2365
After Thursday, you can reach us on our cell phone at 607-743-4379 or call our 800 number – 800-836-4520 and leave a message. We will be back in Candor on Tuesday, Sept. 8.
Despite rain, the Old Stone Tool Show at Letchworth State Park was a fun event with many atlatlists showing up. Doug Bassett did an amazing job organizing the event.
Other Labor Day weekend atlatl events are listed below:
Sept. 4-6
21st Annual Montana Mammoth Hunt
at the First People’s Buffalo Jump State Park, near Ulm, Montana
ISAC all three days and European field round on Saturday and Sunday
Contact Robert Tompson at (406) 866-2219
Sept. 4-6
Tyoga Shoot-off
389 Simkin Rd. Elmira, New York
ISAC, IASAC, Hunters Animal Round, Distance throw, Individuals, Team competition, NYAA Qualifying. A New York Atlatl Association, Inc. sponsored and insured event.
Contact: Jack 570-888-8258 or Tom Goble; 607-215-9405
Sept. 5-6
Cool Blanket atlatl throw & ISAC. Cheyenne, Wyoming
Open to all, equipment and instruction cheerfully provided.
Sponsored by the Wyoming Atlatl and Social Club.
Contact: Gary/Regina Dodson (307-632-0766)
or Russell Richard (307-772-0550) for location and time.
That would be find. Where can we find your blog directory? Thank you. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. We have been traveling.