Elementary School Primitive Arts
Elementary school programs are designed for grades three though eight. Bob Berg demonstrates the use and production of stone tools, cordage making, fire by friction, bark work, basketry, pottery and how atlatls are used. Programs may be done either as hands on or lecture, depending on the preferences of the host teacher. In the hands-on version, (limited to about 30 participants) students get involved in the process of learning primitive skills and, when space is available, learning to throw the atlatl. This indoor/ outdoor program is tailored to fit the teacher’s plan, relating primitive skills to the particular curriculum the teacher has in mind. In the lecture version of this class more students may participate. In this version the teacher(s) may choose a couple of volunteers to participate in the hands-on part. Cost: $350 per school day, which includes up to three separate sessions from one to two hours, plus costs for hands-on materials, travel and motel expenses. Schools within a two hours drive are exempt from overnight costs. Schools located in Tioga, Broome, Tompkins, or Chemung Counties, New York, may waive travel expenses. Call for details. 1 800 836 4520
Primitive Art Classes for Youth Groups
Scouting troops, museums, conservation clubs, summer camps, or similar youth group oriented classes are generally designed as outdoor activities that include the use and production of stone tools, cordage making, fire by friction, bark work, basketry, pottery and include an atlatl making and use seminar. This class is designed to teach councilors and other group leaders in the techniques, safety, and instruction of young people in the primitive arts. It is generally done in two parts with the young people participating in the second part so camp councilors and group leaders may put the techniques they learned to practice.
This class is designed to be a catalyst for an organization to start or improve primitive arts programming. This may be used, for example, as part of a survival training program, merit badge earning, or boot camp program. Call and discuss your needs and we will be glad to help you develop your particular program. Cost $350 per day plus travel and overnight expenses.